Monday 17 March 2014

Data, data everywhere and not a bit to use(1 of 15)

With the arrival of the cloud, and business focus on service based reporting, capturing data has never been more important.

This series will discuss the challenges of capturing the sorts of data required, to answer the demands of the business.

This is not a series about Big Data, but about data in general.

Why talk about data?

Dashboard, Dashboard, Dashboard - At events there is a lot of discussion about dashboards.  Always talking about the best way to display data and drill down this and RAG status that.

Alerts, Automation & CMIS - We all talk about alerts and automation and having a CMIS to pull all the data from. 

And it’s all brilliant stuff.  But often leaves out one big question. 

What does this all sit on?

Good quality data capture - It’s not exciting, there is very little glamour in it, but it has to be done, and it has to be done right.  In my experience we are being asked not just to capture our own data, but we’re getting an ever increasing number of requests to take data from an ever increasing number of sources.

In this series I'll be looking at business demands, basic principles, data capture techniques, data sources and more so catch me again on Wednesday.

Phil Bell

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