Monday, 4 September 2017

Managing your IBM z System licensing charges - Monthly license charge components ( 1 of 5)

Monthly license charge components
z System license charges are a large component of the IT budget so this blog series will be looking at what you can do to manage those costs efficiently. I'll be covering how to stay on top of the charges throughout the month, what safeguards are in place to control the cost and what potential solutions, remedies and actions can be taken.
I'll start with a look at the type of license charges.
Types of License Charges

        MLC or WLC (Monthly or Workload License Charges)

       The charge is based upon usage of an LPAR

       Aggregates usage for the complete environment

       MSUs of z Systems Subsystem Components consumed
When you elect WLC pricing for a particular operating system on a CPC, all of that operating system family's MLC products are licensed under WLC on that CPC. Sub-capacity eligible MLC products are called Variable Workload License Charges (VWLC) products. Non-sub-capacity eligible MLC products are called Flat Workload License Charges (FWLC) products and their pricing is a fixed monthly charge unrelated to the capacity of the CPC on which they run.

        CMLC (Country Multiplex License Charges) or CMP (Country Multiplex Pricing)

       Sub-capacity offering that allows clients to use their z Systems capacity within a given country with the objective of creating a flexible, country-wide z Systems platform.
Clients can configure and balance workloads more easily without the constraints of Sysplex aggregation rules and many of the limitations of previous reporting methodologies.

A Multiplex is the collection of all eligible IBM z Systems machines or Sysplexes or both within a single country, measured as one machine for purposes of software sub-capacity reporting.

On Wednesday I'll be looking at the types of license in more detail. In the meantime don’t forget to sign up for my webinar ‘Top 5 z Systems® Capacity Issues on September 13th
Charles Johnson
Principal Consultant

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